Stainless Steel Wall Ovens Are Quite Popular

By Angela Price

The stainless steel wall ovens added to kitchen design are all the rage these days. They are certainly a nice addition to kitchen design and to kitchen living. Being available in gas and electric, with single and double version, they are eminently suitable to both large and small kitchens. Here we will run over a few of their features.

The one factor to keep in mind, when deciding on ovens that mount into the walls, is the need also to have a cook surface. Standard ranges have the cooktop over the baking area while wall-mounted units, as they are recessed into the walls, do not have this. The cost of this method of cooking is more expensive than a regular range. The upside is the position of the baking area.

As the unit is installed into walls, it can be installed at a level, which does not require much bending. Generally, these units come in 30 inch wide versions. It is possible to find smaller units in 24 and 27 inch widths. These units are called compact and do tend to cost less. The 30 inch models are the best for general family cooking and baking.

Do you prefer to bake with electricity or with gas. Either way, you can purchase cookers for installation. These units come in gas and electricity and can also be found as convection units. Many cooks feel that it is easier to cook with electricity, as you do not need to alternate the food on the racks as you do with gas cooking. This is still a subject of debate.

Convection ovens are also available as walled units, or can be combined with another traditional cooking single wall unit. A single unit has one door, and one temperature control. Although, this may be all that is needed in a small kitchen, a larger kitchen, or one where the cook is enthusiastic, may require something more extensive. This can be handled in one of two ways.

The single-double option is actually a single unit split into two separate cooking spaces. It is the same size and has the same capacity as the single oven, but because it is split into two, cooks can cook at two different temperatures at the same time. Double units are two full sized ovens, with completely separate cooking facilities. These do tend to take up more room.

Microwaves have become an absolute necessity in todays kitchens. Most take up a huge amount of space, considering their cooking area. If the kitchen design includes wall-mounted traditional cookers then it is easy to add the microwave to the same bank. This will centralize the cooking features, and leave plenty of free counter space to work with.

In summary, stainless steel wall ovens are an excellent alternative to a kitchen design. They are available in gas and electric, come as single, single-double, or double models, and can even be combined with a Microwave. Their space saving and cook area condensing, make them excellent for smaller kitchen designs.

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